My name is Dianne Hoyle

I am an IFPA registered Clinical Aromatherapist and Clinical Reflexologist, CRM5 Practitioner

Hello, I’m Dianne, an IFPA registered Clinical Aromatherapist and Clinical Reflexologist, CRM5 Practitioner. I am qualified to the Level 5 Mastership in Clinical Reflexology, which is the highest level of Reflexology training in the UK. This training included NEPIP, Fertility and Maternity, Meridians, Palliative and Cancer Care and much more.

As a member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR) and the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA), I am committed to strict codes of practice and continued professional development. I am also registered with the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council and the Federation of Holistic Therapists. You can also find me on the Register of Reflexologists on the NHS Website.

I have always been drawn to natural remedies and holistic healing and I get an enormous sense of satisfaction from seeing the benefits my friends, family and clients receive from my Reflexology and Aromatherapy treatments, and from creating personalised formulations of essential oils for administration in a massage or for use at home or on the go.

I look forward to being able to share these benefits with you, so if you have a particular issue which you feel may benefit from either Reflexology or Aromatherapy (or both), or if you would just like to relax and recharge, please get in touch.

In addition to Aromatherapy and Reflexology on the feet, hands, or face, I have also been trained in Reflexology Lymph Drainage, Reflexology for Cancer and Supportive Care, Reflexology for Menopause, Advanced Facial Reflexology, Reflexology Zone Facelift, Indian Head Massage, and AromaReflexology (a combination of Reflexology and Aromatherapy).

My Qualifications and Training include:

  • Level 5 Agored Cymru Mastership Diploma in Clinical Practitioner Reflexology
  • Level 5 Diploma in Clinical Practitioner Aromatherapy
  • Reflexology for Cancer & Supportive Care (Trained by Christie Hospital ITTU)
  • Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)
  • Reflexology for Menopause
  • Advanced Facial Reflexology and Zone Facelift

If you would like any further information or would just like to have a chat about Aromatherapy or Reflexology, please call me on 07843006466, or you can email me on